

Software and IP Portfolio

Minimum offer: $20m


Why Memorable

Traditionally, companies in the photos and videos industry are separated into two distinct categories.

Pre-2000 photos/videos on prints, slides, negatives, tapes, and reels are serviced by digitization companies while born-digital and smartphone photos/videos are stored, organized, and shared on platforms developed by software companies.

Founded in 2002, Memorable operated as a digitization-only company for 12 years and as a software company with integrated digitization services for 8 years.

Our philosophy is whether a photo or video was taken in 1993 on 35mm film or in 2023 on a smartphone, a memory is a memory.

Memorable is an industry-changing product which bridges the best features of digitization services with world-class software and apps.

Together, millions of customers can remember their whole life of memories as a singular whole as opposed to separate parts.

The Big Picture

From overwhelming
To beautiful

System Overview


  • Beautiful design and user experience
  • Performance for customers with 100,000+ photos and videos
  • Works offline
  • OS
    • iOS
    • Android
    • Windows
    • Mac
    • Web

Integrated Digitization

  • Digitizes any film, videotape, or still image format directly to app
  • Handwritten dates appear automatically for user with accurate decade/year/date in app
  • Semi-automated production process
  • End-to-end 4K pipleine (for images)
  • Automated restoration (for movie film and images)
  • Back of photo user experience in app
  • Remastered/original film user experience in app
  • Scalable digitization process

Automated Organization

  • Dates
    • Automatic for both digital and digitized analog photos and videos
    • Single and batch date-change features in app
  • Persons
    • Automatic Face Recognition
    • 99.99% accuracy
    • Merge persons invention
  • Tags
    • Automatic
    • Manual


  • Scales to millions of customers
  • Auto-scaling by system component
  • iCloud to Memorable

Offline-First Design

Memorable was programmed to work offline which allows customers to easily backup their cloud photos and videos locally on internal or external storage.

Our offline-first design paradigm enables faster performance, ability to use the app without being connected to the internet, reduced network traffic/lower costs, and increased peace of mind for customers.

Local and Cloud Database Sync

Unlike typical web-only photo/video sites, Memorable syncs data between local and cloud databases to create a blazing-fast experience for accessing, viewing, and organizing a lifetime of photos and videos on every major OS, both online and offline.

Locally, Memorable implements a custom JSON database which loads large data sets of tens of thousands of items and associated metadata in a matter of seconds from boot-up.

Our Cloud databases run on a hybrid of MySQL and Redis.

Memorable’s unique syncing algorithm allows data to be loaded through an authenticated API call to a central server, uploaded by customer from multiple devices, updated with digitized photos and videos, and merged with a customer’s local database.

Invention: Display and Rotation

One of the biggest problems virtually every user of photos/videos faces is the impossibility to scroll through and enjoy tens of thousands of memories on a regular basis.

We solved an important design/usability problem with the invention of parallel-time rotation – creating the crux of the Memorable experience in the process.

The idea of parallel-time rotation is to display all dates of a ”time period” on screen at the same time and rotate through all photos and videos for each respective date.

In the case of Life, a customer born in 1982 might see 5 blocks: 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000s’, 2010’s, and 2020’s. Each block might contain 100, 200, 1,000, 3,000, and 2,000 photos, respectively.

Our design/UX allows a customer to set a desired interval and watch every photo/video from their entire life as an hours-long experience.

This same principle allows experiencing an entire month, year, and decade.

Invention: Face Recognition System and Method

  • Memorable includes automatic organization of pictures by person using the AWS Rekognition API.
  • One limitation of Rekognition’s API is that it only returns 4,096 matching faces.
  • In an average library of 50,000 photos, it’s common for multiple persons to be found in 5,000 or more unique photos.
  • Memorable overcomes this limit to find connections not included in Rekognition’s API results.
  • Memorable automatically matches like photos of person together if confidence is 99.99% or greater.
  • Memorable invented a UX layer which allows a user to find all matching photos of a person based on a similarity percentage.
  • After increasing/decreasing the percentage, a user can click/tap to select the photos that match the same person.

Face Recognition Comparison Results

Memorable uploaded the same data set (48,993 photos) to Amazon, Apple, and Google Photos and found our process resulted in the highest count of photos across the four tested platforms by combining AWS Rekognition, our backend merging process, and frontend UX layer.

Invention: Back of Photo UX

Memorable invented a user-friendly back of photo user experience for the estimated 400 billion print photos in the US.

Our digitization service and app were designed together to scan both sides of a printed photo and allow the customer to switch between the front and back with one tap or click.

Invention: Remastered Film UX

Memorable developed technology for approximately 30 billion feet of 8mm, Super 8, or 16mm film in the US which lets a customer switch between viewing the original and remastered version of a digitized film.

Our goal is to provide the cleanest possible viewing experience for movie film by removing dust and dirt with software automatically.

Since software restoration can introduce subtle digital artifacts, we also need to provide customers with the original, high-quality digital transfer version.

The remastered film button solves both needs by providing customers a choice of whether to view the original or remastered version of their digitized films.

Cloud: Management

Memorable includes a system dashboard which shows the status of all components in real-time.

Cloud: Auto-Scaling

Memorable’s cloud system scales up/down automatically by starting servers to meet demand of increased usage and keeps cost as low as possible by shutting down servers when not needed.

  • Scales independently by system component
    • Servers
      • API
      • Web
      • DB
    • Processing
      • Images
      • Videos
      • Faces
        • Indexing
        • Comparing
    • Auto-start
      • Managers create/start new servers from pre-configured AMI’s
    • Auto shut-down
      • Processing servers stay up for a minimum of 55 minutes and shutdown automatically if there is no additional work to perform

Cloud: Image Processing

Memorable’s system creates multiple-resolution versions of uploaded images to optimize the quality and experience of views throughout the app.

  • Original resolution
    • Images in Fullscreen and Slideshow mode are presented in their original resolution
  • Optimized variants
    • Faster download
    • Decreased memory usage
    • Smoother user experience

Cloud: Video Processing

Memorable converts uploaded videos into streamable MP4 files and HLS playlists.

  • MP4
    • HQ – original resolution
    • SQ – decreased resolution
  • HLS
    • Automatically switches between all variants to optimize quality based on available bandwidth
    • Used for presenting videos in Time views
    • Decreases memory usage
    • Required for iOS apps

Cloud: iCloud to Memorable

Memorable includes a user-friendly four-step process to copy photos and videos from a customer’s iCloud account to Memorable via cloud-to-cloud transfer.

  • Process
    • Login to iCloud
    • Select Transfer
    • Login to Memorable
    • Real-time progress updates
  • Performance
    • 1,000 photos in approximately 12 minutes

Digitization: Semi-Automated Process

Memorable developed software processes to automate multiple steps in the digitization process, from printing of QR codes for each media item to availability in app.

QR Codes
  • Our system prints labels with scannable QR codes for each media item
  • QR code includes order number, customer last name, format name, and unique number
Production App
  • Employees use a production app which streamlines digitization process
    • iOS and Android
  • Automates creation of file names from QR code
  • Starts/stops capture process
  • Allows employees to manage multiple machines in parallel
Semi-Automatic Upload
  • Employees can change status of order to “Upload Ready” to initiate upload to cloud/app.

Digitization: Video Transfer

Memorable simplifies the video transfer process by increasing the number of tapes a single operator can process per shift while decreasing errors and eliminating repetitive steps with automation.

Production App
  • Scan QR code on tape
  • Scan computer
  • Start capture (creates file name)
  • Stop capture
  • Video trimming
    • Blank/blue/black video at beginning and end of video is removed automatically
  • Deinterlacing
    • Videos are deinterlaced for a smoother viewing experience on smartphones, tablets, computers, and TVs.
  • Encoding to MP4
    • Original/uncompressed AVI files are converted to stream-ready high quality and standard quality MP4 files
  • File management
    • AVI and MP4 files are copied to output locations automatically
  • Cleanup
    • Files are cleaned up automatically based on order statuses to ensure continued free space on local computers

Digitization: Image Scanning

Memorable decreases the amount of time required to complete image scanning orders.

Production App
  • Scan QR code on batch of photos, slides, or negatives
  • Scan computer
  • Creates file names for scanning
Rotation App
  • Custom-built rotation app designed to rotate photos, slides, and negatives
  • Thumbnails created automatically
  • Left click to rotate counter-clockwise and right click to rotate clockwise
  • Cropping
    • Slides cropped automatically
  • File management
    • Scanned images are copied from original scanned locations to final output folder automatically

Digitization: Film Transfer

Memorable’s film transfer processes and scripts enable accurate date navigation, tag search, and the remastered film UX in app.

  • Semi-automated restoration process
  • Removes dust, dirt, and reduces grain
  • Simple command-line process
    • film_restore.py –i 20000 (order #)
Film Splitting
  • 3”/4” film reels are spliced onto 7” reels prior to transfer
  • Transfer creates a single large file
  • Splitting process allows creating individual files to correspond to individual reels on spliced reel
    • Metadata can be added to individual reels for accurate dating and tagging
  • Lossless editing process to combine broken reels into a single file
  • MP4 Encoding
    • High-quality and standard-quality MP4’s are created automatically during the restoration process
  • File management
    • Original and remastered versions of digitized films are processed and output to their final location automatically

Digitization: DVD Transfer

Memorable makes it easy to add standard DVD-videos and data DVD’s with photos and videos to app.

Production App
  • Scan QR code on disc
  • Scan computer
  • Start capture (creates file name)
  • VOB merging
    • VOB’s on disc are merged to create a single MPEG2 file
  • Encoding to MP4
    • MPEG2 files are converted to high-quality and standard-quality files automatically
  • Data files
    • Copied from disc to final output location

Code: Repositories

Memorable’s product/system is organized into 7 repositories.

  • App
  • API
  • DB/WS
  • Processing
  • Backend
  • Production
  • Pipeline

App Repository

Runs on customer device/computer/TV

The product used by customers seamlessly displays both digitized and uploaded photos and videos with unique features in a beautiful user experience.

  • Backend
    • Node.js
  • Frontend
    • Custom JS framework
  • Database
    • Custom JSON
  • Desktop App
    • Electron
  • Mobile App
    • Cordova
  • LOC
    • 96,408

API Repository

Runs on Cloud/AWS

The API receives requests from App, handles authentication, communicates with databases, manages logic, organizes data, and returns data to the client.

  • Languages
    • PHP
    • JS
  • Frameworks
    • Laravel
    • Node.js
  • LOC
    • 13,466

DB/WS Repository

Runs on Cloud/AWS

We use a combination of database technologies which takes advantage of the structure of SQL and performance of Redis. Memorable includes a web socket server which helps update the app in real-time across devices.

  • Languages
    • JS
    • PHP
  • Databases
    • MySQL
    • Redis
  • Websocket Server
    • Node.js
  • LOC
    • 4,402

Processing Repository

Runs on Cloud/AWS

Separated into images, videos, and faces. All image uploads are converted into various sizes for the app. All videos are converted into MP4 and HLS.

  • Images
    • ImageMagick
  • Videos
    • FFmpeg
  • Faces
    • Indexing
    • Comparing
    • AWS Rekognition
  • Node.js
  • LOC
    • 10,474

Backend Repository

Runs on Cloud/AWS

Includes backend order system, metadata app, and background managers responsible for the system’s operation and scaling.

  • Languages
    • JS
  • Frameworks
    • Node.js
  • DB
    • MySQL
  • LOC
    • 52,299

Pipeline Repository

Runs at digitization facility

Services, scripts, and apps for film transfer, video transfer, and image scanning.

  • Languages
    • JS
    • Python
    • PHP
  • Local Servers
    • API
      • Laravel/MySQL
    • Websocket
  • Features
    • Semi-automated film restoration
    • Auto video cropping/conversion to MP4
    • Image rotation app
    • Auto image cropping
    • Auto image restoration
  • LOC
    • 32,128

Production Repository

Runs on employee devices

The production app integrates with the backend and pipeline repositories to streamline/semi-automate digitization processes across photo, slide, negative, film, and video computers.

  • Languages
    • JS
  • Frameworks
    • Vue.js
    • Cordova
  • Features
    • QR-code scanner
    • Auto-creates filenames
    • Starts/stops capture
  • LOC
    • 2,032


Contact Us


Eugene Gekhter